Thursday, December 8, 2016

30 Words on 30 Things I Loved in Music in 2016

It goes without saying that this list is neither comprehensive nor hierarchized whatsoever. If I could just type everything at once, I would. Or write 300 words about 300 things.

Swapping Fall Playlists with the Lee Bros.

Though less romantic than cassette mixes, the Spotify Playlist trade still functions as a dynamic relational transaction. These seasonal playlists stirred us to dance, brood, mosh, remember, expand, explore.

Andrew's was the best but I'm sharing mine
and my high school faux hawk.

The Cry – “Alone” (1990)

Played over Dane Brady’s solo stint in Polar Skate Co.’s most recent skate video, this hidden Brit-pop gem has become my go-to soundtrack for effusive bedroom dancing and lip-syncing.

Michael Plattner Getting into Metal

Debates over what DFHVN full-length is better? Attending SunnO))) shows? Buying a Numenorean LP and trying to see them live? Asking about Converge? My heart is fit to burst!

Aborted – Retrogore and Gatecreeper – Sonoran Deprivation

Rarely do I ever come across death metal albums I obsess over other than Cattle Decapitation records, but this year gave me two. My cup runneth over… with riffage!

Don’t Flop: ATL at Aisle 5

I attended my first battle rap event, and, aside from Verb no-showing, couldn’t’ve been more fun. Carter/Shuffle, Qleen/Ty Law, Chef Trez showin’ out, meetin’ T-Top… gotta attend more events.

This Fucking Weekend Nachos Song

This fucking track is an elephant crushing a human skull except elephants are extinct and so are we and it was this track that killed us off. Jock powerviolence.

Hollow Sunshine’s Discography

Spotify wanted me to listen to Bible Sea, and then I just devoured their whole discography and regurgitated it back up and swam around in its lazy, lapping bioluminescence.

The 1:32 Mark of 40 Watt Sun’s “Stages”

92 seconds into a 16-minute song is literally all you need to know, to really know, that 40 Watt Sun’s Wider than the Sky is one of 2016’s best.

Yeah, it's not the right song. Go find it yourself.

Nothing – Tired of Tomorrow

When you sing along to this album, you’re moving in slow motion but normal time is still happening so you’re queerly de-temporalized and what a fucking relief that is.

Seeing Fear of Men in both Atlanta and Athens

I’m still totally bowled over by how good Fall Forever and Loom sound live. Go see these Britons in a small room and let Jess’s hand gestures hypnotize you.

Thou’s Continued Assault on Nirvana Covers

Thou served us “Floyd the Barber” in 2016 as an another riffed-out reminder that no one else need bother.  Now if they’d just compile ‘em together on one album…

PWR BTTM in Purgatory the Week of Pulse
Playing with Pity Sex, PWR BTTM brought out ATL’s young queers in glittered force just days after one of the most devastating and wretched days we have ever known.

Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard

Y Proffwyd Dwyll is a delightful romp through beefy riffs and surprisingly serene vocals, but the band’s name is what matters here. Just look at it. LOOK AT IT.

“Really Doe” through “Dance in the Water” from Atrocity Exhibition

Yeah, Danny Brown’s whole album is dope, but this chunk is all you need. Earl barkin’ on cats, cocaine-heart beats triggering anxiety attacks, Brown’s manic approach to addiction… whew.

Ambient Music just, like, in general.

At this point, I’m fairly sure I’m equal parts hot air, Bob’s Burgers quotes, and endlessly looping ambient aural texture. I am screaming ephemera. I am a jovial void.

My Students Never Knowing Vince Staples (applies to 2015 as well)

Whenever I bring up Vince Staples, my students just stare at me. Insane. Prima Donna is compact, precise, and demonstrates Staples’ ability to out-rap everyone in his draft class.

Arbor Labor Union’s Insistence on Being Themselves

You can take those Lungfish comparisons and shove it. The universe’s best band decided they’re just gonna be Creedence and now are ascending to the heights of Mt Garcia.

These Solanas lyrics:

“I’ve got faith that I can cope. I hope my life’s more than hope. I’ve got faith that I can cope. I hope my life means more than hope.”

Take a listen

Posh Isolation

In 2016, PI delivered Vanessa Amara’s forlornly beautiful piano compositions, Puce Mary’s ugly saturations, Croation Amor’s glitchy corpse moves, Mats Erlandsson’s electro-acoustic blissfucking, and Body Sculptures’ technobsessive embodiment rituals.

Skeleton Tree

Often, when I start this album, I turn it off immediately. How are you to deal with the weight of it? How do you not just break down and weep?

G.L.O.S.S. Doing What They Think is Right

Do I wish Girls Living Outside Society’s Shit hadn’t broken up and kept making music? Duh. But they said fuck $50K, fuck the burden of celebrity, and that’s that.

Wrecking Ball 2016

Two days with two beloveds in a lot of sun and covered in a lot of sweat. Turnstile, Ceremony, Cold Cave, American Nightmare, TUI Till I Die, Foxing. Ughhhhhh.

Speaking of Beloveds…

Music wouldn’t be so cool if I didn’t have Steven to talk to. Our post-lingual communiques are as exciting and affirming as the new album we’re flailing textually about.

Thank you.

Oranssi Pazuzu – Varahtelija

This shit came out in February and I still have no fucking clue what’s actually happening on this album. Otherwordly witchcraft that has no right to exist as such.

Ya know what? Let’s give it up for the other black metal bands of 2016

VRTRA, Gevurah, Mist of Misery, Horseback (not BM anymore really), Numenorean, Sylvaine, Vukari, Eight Bells, Dark Funeral, Behexen, Forteresse, motherfucking Wode. And those are just the ones I remember!

Karnell Loving Creative Adult

Nelly Nell keeps serving as my reminder of how good this band is and how I threw an extra dope build-your-own-pizza party and how friendship is radical. 3/11 Splitz.

Cult of Luna’s Triumph

It’s 2016, and Cult of Luna has become the godhead of the Cult of Neurisis triumvirate. Maybe it was always this way. Maybe we’re finally we’re we’ve always already been.

Letting Go

I sold nearly 400 pieces of vinyl and trashed dozens of cassettes and countless CDs. I hope more evaporate soon. Where else am I going to put 2017’s albums?

Slomatics’ Florche Impression

“Super Nothing,” the track in question, sounds like a Torche title packed with all the sexy beef of a Floor song. The riff/vocal combo at 2:17 seals the deal.

This Cheesy-Ass Ending I’m Really About to Pull

People have actually taken time to read, Facebook like, and even reach out to say they really do like my blog posts. Y’all! That’s so sweet! I’m fairly overcome.